What Is The Dad Move In Arm Wrestling?

The Dad Move has become well known as the most humiliating way you can defeat your opponent in arm wrestling.

The ‘dad move’ is where an arm wrestler will start creeping down the forearm of their opponent deliberately giving themselves a clear leverage disadvantage. It’s a statement that shows that they’re in complete control of the match and are now just toying with their opponent.

In this post, we’ll look at the history of the dad move and I’ll explain in greater detail why it’s so humiliating to have this happen to you on an arm wrestling table.

Shout out to Ryan Bowen dad moving his dad inspiration for e of this article.

Why The Dad Move Is The Ultimate Display Of Superiority

Imagine competing at the highest level of the sport and having someone do this to you…

Dad Move In Arm Wrestling?

As you struggle to get anything going, your opponent appears to be in complete control as he begins messing about, knowing you’re simply not strong enough to pin him…

The Dad Move Gives Your Opponent A Massive Leverage Advantage

The reason death via dad moves most soul crushing way to lose a match is because the guy performing the dad move deliberately loses a significant amount of leverage the lower they grip the opponent’s wrist/forearm.

In arm wrestling, you really want to grip up nice and high to maintain a ‘high hand advantage’ throughout the match because this reduces the angle at the elbow joint between forearm and upper arm.

By deliberately creeping down the arm of your opponent, you’re making a very profound statement without saying anything. Pulling off a dad move translates, even in Portuguese, roughly to the following,

    • “Go ahead, take all that you need…”
    • “I am way, way too strong…”

High Profile Dad Move, WAL506, Devon Larratt Vs Wagner Bortolato

In WAL506 Devon Larratt pulled off the highest profile dad move of all time against Wagner Bortolato, the Brazilian champion (shown above).

Typically the dad move is done by pros who are joking around against amateurs. These guys are often lightyears ahead of their opponent in terms of strength, which is why it was so incredible to see someone as accomplished as Bortolato being dad moved.

How humiliating.

How To Do The Dad Move In Arm Wrestling

It’s really simple and intuitive to perform and almost needs no explanation.

From a hook position, just start edging your way down the inside of your opponent’s hand and wrist. Initiate this movement with your ring and pinky finger.

Be sure to maintain your cup as you do this. Without significant cupping strength, this move is a lot harder to pull off.

Larratt says the objective of the dad move is to get as far down your opponent’s forearm toward their elbow as possible.

If you’re able to get your thumb freed up, you can use this to hook around your opponents wrist to further extend your conquest of their forearm.

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Who Created The Dad Move In Arm Wrestling?

People have been doing the dad move for decades. Although it’s possible he didn’t coin the term, Devon Larratt has certainly popularized the dad move and made it into the meme that it is today.

Why Is It Called The Dad Move?

Supposedly it’s called the dad move because it makes you feel like you’re pulling your dad.

Everyone knows you can’t beat your dad in an arm wrestling match… The old man strength is just too great!

Concluding Thoughts On The Dad Move

The dad move is supposed to make you want to quit a match.

If someone even attempts to pin you via dad move, it’s probably best to just concede defeat and walk out of the room with your tail between your legs.

Definitely a must-have move in any arm wrestler’s arsenal!

JJ Antonio

Arm Wrestling Enthusiast and Blogger. Learn more about me here: https://armwrestlingpros.com/about-jj-antonio/

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